Tag Archives: carefree time

Summer Envy

I’ve got a bad case of Summer Envy. It has happened every year for…oh… about the last 5 years. Which just so happens to coincide with when I went back to work full-time. I spent 9 years working part-time gigs while my boys were young. It was our compromise to the working/not working thing. We couldn’t afford to have me lounging in luxury, but if we tightened our belts we could get by with me working part-time. It may have only covered diapers and formula – but if you’ve been there you know that’s significant!

Turns out, we liked having my income – who’d a thunk?! We thought of lots of new ways to spend the money I earned and eventually I was working multiple part-time gigs. That’s when a great opportunity fell into my lap {or something like that} and I went to work full-time at my current job- which a really love. It has been a blessing. I’ve grown, been stretched and learned so much! I’m thankful for that.

But there is totally something missing.


I really want to have summers off. I’m so jealous of my kids, teachers and anyone else who gets a two or three-month reprieve in the middle of the year. I want to plan fun outings, go to the pool everyday, lay in the sun reading a book. Sleeping in would be great too. Summer is supposed to be a carefree time. The season when all the schedules and most of the rules go out the window. When every day brings a new adventure like picnics and campfires.

I wonder how I could frame that proposal to my organization?

  • Give me the summers off and I’ll work 18 hour days the rest of the year?
  • Staff productivity will rise if you allow us all to work poolside?
  • My health and well-being depend on having a carefree summer?

Ya, I’m guessing those aren’t going to be convincing arguments.

I will have to infuse bits of “carefree” into my scheduled, routine days at work. Find ways to make it feel a little more whimsical.

  • Go thrifting on my lunch hour.
  • Lunch in the park.
  • Where flip-flops to work every day {ok, I pretty much do that already}
  • Take a little beach to work with me – sand and shells in a jar on my desk with pics of my family.
  • Make my kids do all the housework and cooking while I’m at work so we can play when I get home. {This one might be a tough sell!}

Speaking of work. I hear it calling my name. Better grab my sand and flip-flops and hit the road!


Filed under Family, Lifestyle